Monday, May 19, 2008

We only need one fool

This morning, Daniel wanted to plan a play date with his friend but he was up with a fever during the night and so, I had to explain that there would be none of that today. He thought about that for a moment & this was his conclusion...
I guess he's right about that.
crown by Lori Davison; frame by Amy Hutchinson ; wordart by Michelle Underwood

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I hate when people say... come back tomorrow & read my post about {insert teasing item here}. Really. I do. and now I did it. In fact, it might be the second time I've done it. Yup, my real life got in the way.. again! I know that's the way it's supposed to be, as opposed to thinking my real life is inside the box I'm sitting in front of... but still, I wish I had posted when I said I would. I suppose I could delete it, but it's not my plan to alter reality to suit my flaws.

Also, I never called you back on Thursday night. Yep, life again. Have I ever mentioned that David is miserable when he can't exercise. And BTW, I'm pretty miserable when I have to exercise... opposites attract? His knee is swollen from his camping escapades of a couple of weeks ago and it's not pretty in my world. oh, well. It'll pass.

Now for that fabulous post I teased you with last time. I made a really cute banner (if I do say so myself) for Mother's Day for, of course, my mother.

frame by Studio Flergs

It's not the best photo in the world, but it's something to post about. I love to read other blogs and watching their crafting escapades... so maybe someday someone else will read this blog and look back at these lame early posts and be amused by them :). For details about this little beauty, it is hung on a vintage tape measure which I thought was pretty crafty of me and I really love how the "e" is covered in buttons. I tried to glitter it and it was not cooperating, so the buttons were an emergency fix, but I really like 'em.

Do you like how I keep switching my writing from acting like your the only one to read this blog and then as if there are "others" reading, too? Oh this blogging thing is fun but very, very odd.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Screaming Mud Puddles (or Here We Go Again)

Well, at the rate of my current posts, this blog is not up to speed. I read in Somerset Studio that to draw people to your blog you should post at least 3 times per week at about 200 words each... oh- and include fabulous photos. That is not easy and frankly, I'm not sure I'm up to it! I just don't think I have that much to say. Ok, that's not true but I guess I'm going to have to share some of the more mundane parts of my life (Isn't it scary that it gets even more boring then the previous posts). So here we go... again.

A few posts back I mentioned photographing my day. I did ok at that... I wouldn't say that I was a news hound with the camera by any means, but I did capture a few things I wouldn't normally photograph. My 13 year old wouldn't get out of bed.. so I captured that moment. Somehow I'm sure I'd be violating his privacy if I posted that, so I'll move on. I photographed my health obsessed husband stretching in the morning... again privacy issues. The highlight would have to be my seemingly adorable 8 month old golden doodle who had horrible diarrhea (screaming mud puddles!). I stopped myself from documenting the worst parts, but here is a picture of his driveway bath which was witnessed by my entire neighborhood and 5 additional children who were here for playdates with my various children.

frame by Melissa Bennett

Now that I have shared these fabulous moments of my life maybe people will Google me to see how I do it all. I even amaze myself! Tomorrow I'll post about the Mother's Day gift I made for my mother... now I know you'll be back for that!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I "discovered" a great blog. It is an angel blog meaning that the images on the blog may be used for your own artwork. You definitely need to visit The Graphics Fairy.