Monday, October 20, 2008

Sheep & Wool

I really don't even know where to begin... it was amazing, scary, thrilling. Our "premier" went better then I imagined it ever could. I had such an incredible weekend. Even just this first success changes my view of myself and the world. I still need some time to get my head around it all before writing about it here. But just to relive some of the details...

We stayed at a cute little B&B (well a cute little "room" rental) in Saugerties. The beds were comfy, and we were soooo tired! We had dinner at Miss Lucy's Kitchen... and it was absolutely delicious. I had a filet for dinner and butterscotch pot de creme for dessert. It was such a cute, cozy restaraunt and so much fun to have dinner with grown-ups.

It was amazing to see all our work come together in the booth. Lorrie and Michael have fine-tuned their show presence and we were lucky enough to have them as our mentors. We would NEVER have been at the show without them.
Saturday was just crazy-busy and fortunately we sold tons of buttons. Each and every sale, along with each person who told us how much they liked them, completely took me off-guard. I love the interaction with people in a retail atmosphere, but when you are selling your own creations it is a completely different thing. There is a vulnerability that comes with it. It feels like such a risk to put yourself out there.
Sunday was not as busy in the booth, so I was lucky enough to have some time to shop. I bought a couple of felted purse patterns, some yarn & some roving which I can't wait to get my hands through... just as soon as the total exhaustion passes...

Liz & I talked the entire way home... comparing our opinions, ideas and some serious arm chair psychoanalysis.
Now, some serious sleep & regrouping here at home, and then some posting on etsy!

Rhinebeck or bust

Wow! It's amazing how your entire world can change in a weekend. Getting everyone off to school this morning is first on my list, but next up is a post about the NY Sheep & Wool Festival. Hopefully now, I'm writing to more then just myself & my sister. It was so exciting to meet so many people. Back soon!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


( If you have ever watched Sponge Bob, you can hear this line in your head. Spoken by a man with an accent I can't describe.)

Pushing down the pity party. Ten days to go. I really am excited. It's great just to do it and see what will happen.

Back to frantic button making. Oh, and by the way, feel free to post away should you feel that a month is too long in between posts. [wink, wink]