Thursday, April 24, 2008

la, la, la...

I am having too much fun with this blog... even if only 2 of us are reading it! I figured out how to add music! Ok, I will totally admit that it is a WEIRD mix of songs, but some I just like and others make me laugh. As I type this, I'm listening to "Popular" from the Wicked soundtrack. It just cracks me up. I will add songs or delete songs... just let me know what you want. Meanwhile, you'll just have to listen to my weird mix... of course, I suppose you could just turn it off if it really makes you crazy! :)

I think this looks like a cool idea... and I'm gonna TRY it tomorrow. Click the photo to check it out. Go ahead. You wanna.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

What's in a Name?

Gramma and Grampa had wicked sweet tooths (teeth?). When they came to visit, they brought Blackout cake and crumb buns, pies and tea biscuits - all boxed and stacked and tied up with string from Ebinger's. Was always cause for afternoon tea. Always a special occasion.

When we went to visit them, they didn't always have those sweets in the house; I guess for the same reason I can't have those sweets in the house - overindulgence. But at Gramma and Grampa's house, there was always the makings of their secret recipe in the cupboards. Bread (white bread - whole grains didn't matter then) and butter (not margarine) and sugar. Put them all together - a thick layer of butter on that squishy, doughy bread combined with a heavy handed tilt of the sugar bowl in sweeping, side to side motions. Heaven!!!

And that, dear reader, is where we got our name.

Just thought you'd want to know.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Ladies Who Launch

Yesterday, I borrowed "Ladies Who Launch" from the library. I haven't had a chance to read much more then the cover, but it looks interesting... maybe just the pep talk that I need. I need almost constant pep talks. I even give them to myself, if I'm really desperate. Although, I must admit that mine are never as good as an outside source! It's amazing to look at yourself at (yikes!) 4o and think what am I going to be... when will I grow up? Don't get me wrong, I do LOADS of grown-up things in a day, but when will it "click"? Am I a "late bloomer"? That seems kind of like a bad thing to be, but I guess better late than never. So I'm going to spend some time reading that this weekend. The first page has a warning that it'll will change you life... well, let's hope so!

Friday, April 4, 2008

whew... that was

a long gap between posts.. a holiday, kids home from school, a visit to the emergency room all add up to a long break, but now I'm getting it back together.

Monday night, we had a great workout with Lorrie. We worked out some of the "button making kinks and figured out some ways to improve the process. SO much fun. Also, we have lots of buttons to start posting on Etsy. So I gotta get a jump start on that, too. I can't wait to see it!!

I really feel like a post isn't complete without a photo... so here is a totally random, but sweet photo of my grandmother & her sister.