Thursday, October 7, 2010

I am completely imperfect and truth be told, I'm not ok with that yet... but I'm trying. Another blog I have come across in my cyber travels and have found great inspiration and support from is Brene Brown. I am *still* reading her book, I Thought It Was Just Me. I just feel like every word she writes and speaks resonates with me and my experience in life. I definitely recommend you check it out when you have some time... there is so much to soak in there. Right now, she is hosting a "perfect protest". I love it... even if I am not whole-heartedly there YET.

My protest is demonstrating my imperfection... right here... for everyone to see. I was supposed to post this give away yesterday, but here I am: a day late & a dollar short. Sorry anyone out there waiting on me.
Tonight's give away will be 5 small buttons or 3 medium buttons of the winner's choosing. Visit our website and then come back here & leave a comment to let me know which buttons you love the best. I will draw a winner Tuesday afternoon 2:00 p.m. EST. Good Luck everyone! Thanks for entering in spite of my imperfection...


  1. What lovely buttons! I love them all, but Moonshine stuck out to me! I just found you thorough the Inspire link from the online magazine Amy put together. Love your buttons! Suzie

  2. I really love Meadow and Flaunt. I found you just tonight via a fellow Raveler who got some buttons from you at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival!

  3. fun! except that i have to choose?!!! wowzers...
    okay, my favs are flaunt, ripple, burst and meadow. okay, i am a libran...choosing is very hard. but one that i am crazy about is the swirly sheep under your new items at the shows.
    i am happy to win anything. your work is beautiful.
    btw, i was struck by the fact that we have some shared links/experiences. we both have the donna downey and kelly rae roberts badges. i took krr's course as i am guessing you did too. how did you like it?
    also, thanks for the info on brene brown. i just did a short post on your buttons and on learning about brene brown on my new blog
    thanks for being you!

  4. Beautiful buttons! Glad I ran across your blog on a Ravelry posting. My favorite button toggles between Flaunt and Pigeonhole. Wait a minute, also love Moonshine.... and Meadow....
