Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fished My Wish!

I fished my wish today and got to stay home for a snow day. I really LOVE my day job (not just my button job). I do, but I am so tired with all there is to do in my full, happy life. So, while I thought it would be a catch up day... laundry, housework, taking down the Christmas tree, etc., it really was mostly hanging out and piddling around.

I have to say how much I LOVE blogs. I love to read, I love to people watch, I love to craft & create... and the best of all of that can be found in blogs. I have really misssed this past time since starting returning to regular work back in the fall. There are so many insights and inspirations to be found out there in the big, big world. So, here's a run-down of some things I was lucky enough to stumble on today...

I think these soap pops are adorable. The directions are all here on this cute little blog: Greenbean's Crafterole. Truth be told, I will most likely never find the time to make these... I know my kids would love 'em, so I just surf longingly.

Another blog that I love to visit is Tara Whitney's. I feel like her posts are so honest and I love to see all her amazing photographs. Sometimes it's comforting when you feel other people's lives are as scattered as your own, and yet they are ok.

I am itching for something to knit right now, and this may just be it! It is a free pattern by MegMarie. If you knit, maybe you could try it too... if you don't knit, I suggest felting something. I just erases all your mistakes. I love felted patterns.

BUT... there's always this too. I love nests... they are so cozy. So a FELTED nest. Now we talkin. Liv created & finished several of these. I am jealous... you should definitely go take a peek. Those of you who may know me in real life, know that I will probably start but not complete any of these projects. How sad. Maybe "complete" should be my word for 2011?

So have I bored you to tears yet? These were the highlights of my day... a nice change. :)

Monday, January 10, 2011


I'm hoping for a snow day on Wednesday... wearing my pj's inside out, flushing ice cubes down the toilet and putting a spoon under my pillow. Any other helpful suggestions?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Delicious Start...

If only all of 2011 was going to be this yummy! Here's to another attempt at keeping up this blog. I have missed it, but was honestly feeling like life was a bit too mundane to bore everyone with it! Thank you for checking in on me and thank you to Kerri for your sweet comment!

I am a new year's baby so my year always starts with a party... what more could I ask for? Cake number one is above... Wegmans Ultimate Chocolate Cake which was followed by cake number 2... red velvet!

Happy 2011!

PS. My annual attempt at one little word continues. Maybe this year, I'll decide on one. :)

PPS. I have figured out how to post from my phone... maybe that will improve my consistency?