Last year's birthday entry was sweet & sappy, so I figure that this year (just to change it up) I need to go for funny. Funny things about my sister (this is harder then you think)....
-our mother used to tell me to talk quietly because she has "sensitive ears". (is that funny about me or funny about her?)
-when cleaning out my grandparents home she took the door knobs... yep, really. The door knobs.
Ok, I'm giving up. I'm staring at the screen, racking my brain for funny and there's really just sweet. So, I'll leave you with a funny story which shows just how sweet she is...
When we were growing up, we would visit our grandparents in upstate New York. Our Nana was an incredibly sweet woman who always had the Stella Doro cookies when we came to visit and I LOVED the flower shaped cookies with the pink icing.

On one visit, I must have been rifling through her kitchen drawers when I stumbled across some mouse poison. She gave me a lengthy explanation about mice in the walls and the dangers of mouse poison. This information was rattling around in my brain about bedtime (when we know all fears become larger). Since my sister & I shared the bedroom in Monroe, I guess I was keeping her awake worrying about the mice. Did this upset her? Nope, she told me the story of the Pied Piper and put me to sleep. I know that was the first time I had ever heard that story, and it may have been the only time. She has always taken care of me... at the silliest of times and the most serious of times. See, isn't she sweet?
Happy Birthday! Love you!