Wednesday, March 19, 2008

why is this post so difficult?

WELL, my turn to post here is overdue, but I just have not been able to think of anything clever enough to write about. So here begins what will probably be a rambling post about nothing... but I need to do something!!

On Saturday, Liz & I made a visit to a local bead show which was cool. I didn't spend even a dime which for me is an accomplishment, but I felt like I learned a lot. It was great to see other people doing similar things... how they present their product, how much product they have on hand, etc. I feel like there is so much to learn.

I feel the need to make a felted bowl, so I searched the internet looking for a pattern and I found this one: I'm not sure if it will hold lots of buttons, or just one sewn into the bottom. I'll definitely post photos when I get it going.

The button above is one of my favorites... I really love the glaze.

frame about: Kate Hadfield @ The Lilypad

Friday, March 14, 2008

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, Have You Any Wool?

No, but we have buttons....

It looks like we will be going to the New York Sheep and Wool Festival on October 18 and 19 in Rhinebeck, New York!!!!! How exciting! We've got so much to do; so many buttons to make.... It will be our very first show and, lucky for us, we'll have our mentors to help us along! Only problem is, we will be in a barn separate from the fibers - quite possibly alongside the sheep. Oh well, at least we'll get a foot in the door. (Unfortunately, that foot may have a bit of sheep stuff on the bottom.....) (Note to self: wear boots.)

Now we really have to get a move on - time to make the buttons!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Here we GO!

Here are the first scans of some of our buttons! I really am so excited... we are doing it! This number is one of my favorites so far. Love the whole thing... the pattern, the color. This sounds pathetic and very self promoting, but I'm just so excited that this is finally happening! I am so proud of us!

Here's another for your viewing pleasure (ok, potentially just my viewing pleasure, but I'm really enjoying this!). I really want to felt a purse just looking at these babies. Knitty has an adorable shrug called Nob hill which I would LOVE to knit & put one of our buttons on... I've never done short rows, so I am a little afraid to try! The new issue of Knitty is out today and there are really great patterns inside(as always!).

Ok, enough previews for today. I didn't want to publish this and push down my sisters post, but I know she probably didn't want the spotlight for too long anyway! :)

doodle frames by Kate Hadfield @ The Lilypad

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blogging Debut

Okay, first let me say - blogging is not exactly my thing. I'm not sure I even totally understand the concept. Personal - sometimes very personal - musings sent out over the world wide web? I have a hard time making conversation at a cocktail party... But my sister is growing impatient with my procrastination. That photo she included of me two postings ago - in the red snowsuit with my hands over my eyes? Perfect representation of how I feel now... the world is waiting for me to say something and I... I am conspicuously shy.

So, as I approach my fiftieth birthday, she pulls me into this blogging thing. This is a place for 17 to 45 year-olds, so the demographics say. I don't understand it - linking and downloading and all that stuff. And evidently, there is even blogging etiquette! For god's sake, I am just getting comfortable with e-mail. But just wait till I learn how to put pics in with my words - I have plenty of nerdy little photos of her, too.

She says that blogging is a great networking tool - I'm sure she's right. And though, yes, we have attempted working together before, I think that this time we are finally both ready. My goals for this venture are simple - to be fun and mildly profitable (emphasis on FUN!) And so, with equal amounts of me pushing her and she pulling me, here we go!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

{40 tiny tins}

This cool little item is on sale at Stampinton (image is clickable). It holds 40 of those little containers. So, I bought one. My best friend will turn 40 in September and I'm going to start working on her gift. This is us on our first day of kindergarden (me on right).

I'll only mention that my sister is still a no-show on the posting... but I'm just writing for myself here. *hee, hee, hee*

layout by Dani Mogstead @ Sweet Shoppe Designs

Friday, March 7, 2008

{a post about nothing}

I really have nothing interesting to say, but I didn't want to skip TWO days of posting. I sent my sister and invitation to post, but I have had no RSVP... but seeing as we are likely the only 2, maybe 3 readers, I'm sure she will see this and think.. "I really need to get on and post." :)

frame by Marcie Reckinger

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

{today's work}

So, today's work was buttons... buttons, buttons & more buttons. I've made about 165 over the last 2 days, and so far, I have to admit I'm lovin it. Believe it or not, it feels rights. Feels like we are on our way.... whatever way that is (I think I might need a GPS here). Don't they look like cookies in the picture? Sugar cookies I think... but ok moving on.

The other, slightly interesting & somewhat informative thing I have to say is that Scrap N Fonts has 20 fonts on their site, completely free... and if you love fonts (and i do) that is a treat for today... no calories & no cash required. "This offer may end without notice." That's what my email says... so be warned. :)
frame: Nancy Comlab @ The Lilypad; flower & sprinkles: Gina Miller Designs

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

{the work of art}

Today I was reading my new issue of Cloth Paper Scissors and was struck by the last article, "Tuesdays We Do the Wash". I am not a person who is organized or inclined to do repetitive tasks... like housework, unfortunately. I always opt for the most entertaining task, if I possibly can. I am like a fireman in my approach. I do what is the emergency first, and if there is no current emergency-- well then, time for a break! The author of this article, Loretta Benedetto Marvel made real sense to me: "We all wish to be the diva stamping her foot rather than the devoted chorus member mastering every part. But I am learning that all cannot be genius every day, not unless genius is born from sweat and toil." So... uh... that's my reality check for the day. I don't see myself as a diva, but I guess if I expect it to be easy then maybe I am.

Monday, March 3, 2008

{just your type}

This isn't the first time we've tried to work together. There was that transcription service. We had a perfect name... "Just Your Type" and we made flyers. We went to probably 2 dozen or so local doctor's offices... and then discovered the typo on the flyer. Needless to say, the phone never rang. But really, why not... "just your type"...catchy. How could you NOT call?

Then there was that other time, about which I can only say this....