Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blog Block

After my "big" revealation on my last post, I gotta admit I was a little embarrassed. It took me a few days to think of what to write next and up until right now I thought I would let it go another day. I got 5 whole comments though and that made my day... and the the next day, too!

So, I figured that I would blog hop a little and I visited Amy's blog... which I will admit is one of my top 10 favorites. She is a great example being "you" on your blog. You feel like you know her when you read her posts! Today she was sharing all her juicy gifts from an art retreat (fabulous pictures, of course!) and she received an adorable necklace that says, "I am kind of a big deal on my blog". I just thought that was so funny! Really, where else can you be a big deal? Love it! Hop over there an have a look. :)
post it note by Gunhild Storeide


  1. I hopped over top Amy's blog - it's delightful! I want a stitch-kit. I've been thinking of putting together a little stitch-kit book, I may just do it now!



  2. Oh, this brought a BIG smile to my face this morning - thank you! And I love that you jumped off with the group and did some body art (I'm kind of getting addicted to it, maybe because I am in the final days of a 365 self portrait project and running out of interesting angles on me!)

    Thank you for hopping over to my blog and leaving a comment. It is so nice to connect! I have to check out the giraffe book for my daughter. And I want to see more buttons! Buttons please! In the colder months I knit so I will be looking for some unique pieces. Do you read Yarnharlot's knitting blog? (http://www.yarnharlot.ca/blog/) She has a HUGE fan base and perhaps one day would be a good place to offer a gift away and get some promotion for your buttons. She seems really nice and approachable.

    Have a lovely day!

  3. I'm so glad we've been able to connect thanks to Flying Lessons & now you've introduced me to another great blog! I just love the look of Amy's blog and can't wait to read thru it. Thanks for pointing me over there!
