Saturday, June 5, 2010

I am Enough.

Really. I hope this blog is as anonymous as I think it is after I post this picture. Several of the artists taking Flying Lessons are writing affirmations on themselves. So, I did it, too. My mother would say, "If they jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you?" I always make notes on the back of my hand, so this wasn't as far of a reach for me as one might think. As corny as it sounds, there is something about writing it on yourself... it's like a branding, I guess. I never saw myself as a tattoo kindof girl, but I have an idea now of why people might do that.

I'm not saying I'm running off to get a tattoo... but I understand now. I do.
I'm having a hard time hitting that "publish" button. Oh, I they will definitely think I'm crazy. And they will probably be right...


  1. I don't think you are crazy. Talented, inspired, motivated; yes. Crazy, no. I am thankful you are taking this class, taking the bull by the horns, and dragging me along with you. I am thankful you are who you are. You are SO much more than enough.

  2. Matching button tattoos!!! Oh, so tiny!!!!

  3. That is awesome!! yay for you! :)

  4. Well done Noel! you certainly are enough! It was lovely seeing this photo :-)

  5. Wonderful photo & post! I felt the same way when I posted my worthy photo to my blog. Funnily enough I wasn't worried about other bloggers seeing it because I think we all get eachother on a creative level & so can understand a photo like these but I cringe at the thought of my hubby or other family seeing it & thinking I'm weird :).

    Way to go for being brave!!

  6. oh go for it and you did! well done! I am hoping to get together with a friend next week and work through some of the course together - which includes writing out our affirmations! We only have one short life so we might as well live it crazily, fully and abundantly! :)

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog - I find it very therapeutic writing and I too was nervous about my couple of last posts, but people have been sooooo nice!

    Good luck with the course - I'm enjoying it, but there's so much!


  7. So not crazy Noel, very brave. Thanks for sharing. You are enough!

  8. oooh beautiful! i love your artistic writing. so wonderful!
