Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ocean City

The last sweet days of the school year are finally over. Every phase of the year has it's own busy-ness. It almost seems silly to say, "This week was so busy..." because they are all busy, no matter what, no matter who you are and what your life is like!
Three of my four kids finished school yesterday and we jumped in the car and headed for Ocean City (NJ) to join friends to celebrate. It was such a great day. Everyone was happy and got a bit of what they wanted... even the husband, who normally HATES the beach, couldn't be enticed out of the water.
My new badge on the sidebar is for the next on line class that I signed up for "Picture Summer". I really need to beef this blog up with beautiful photos... not necessarily my strong suit yet. I hope it will help me to savor this summer when my babies seem to all be growing up. Only 3 more summers until my oldest is off for college and my youngest heading to first grade. It's slipping through my fingers.


  1. We visited the NJ shore last October. According to my son you are having a very hot and humid summer so keep cool. Enjoy this time as they grow up so quickly. Thanks for visiting - yes I can get caught up on lots of blogs!

  2. thanls for stopping by. I really don't know how you do it with 4 kids, running a house and getting your creative biz off the ground!! Amazing!

    Congrats on getting something in your etsy shop and the button on the side too. I know what every little achievement is like. I feel total overwhelment at the course, it is brilliant and inspiring, but just like you say, I want to do it all NOW!!!! :) I have spent the last couple of days figuring out how to do a newsletter subscribe list and put together a newsletter it's taken me aaaages!

    Whoops this wasn't meant to be so long! Glad you enjoyed the beach, it looks amazing. I must say I wish I lived nearer and could hop on over and that it was a bit warmer here in the UK :)

